Nyte Flyte

Pimp! -- The Donald Strachey Mysteries


For film nouveau noir with a gay aesthetic, you can't do better than the Donald Strachey mysteries!

Tough guy P.I. Donald Strachey only has one soft spot, and that’s for his husband, senatorial chief aide Timmy Callahan. Cultured, straight-laced and sexily
bespectacled, Timmy is Donald’s opposite in every way -- which of course makes him the street smart and battle-scarred detective’s perfect match! The two share an on-screen chemistry unequaled in gay cinema…or in any cinema, for that matter.


Styled after the Thin Man films from the ‘30s and ‘40s, these movies are packed with enough bullet-riddled corpses, red herrings, and dastardly back-alley deeds to satisfy die-hard mystery buffs. But the heart of these ground-breaking films is the warm, loving and monogamous relationship Donald and Timmy share. As quick-witted and fast-fisted as Donald may be, it’s the solidity of his marriage that keeps him grounded. Timmy is more than Donald’s better half -- he’s his moral compass and his rock, and he always has a first aid kit, a kiss and a perfectly chilled martini ready to patch Donald back together again whenever he’s broken.


The two of them balance and support each other in a touching, humorous, and completely believable way. Donald isn’t perfect, and neither is Timmy. But together, they are nothing less than a perfect fit.

Based on the novels by
Richard Stevenson and directed by Ron Oliver (Queer As Folk, Goosebumps), the Donald Strachey Mysteries star Chad Allen (Save Me, Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman)...

...and Sebastian Spence (First Wave, Battlestar Galactica)

There are four movies in this series -- so far:

All four films are available on DVD.  Check out the fanvids on YouTube. You’ll be hooked, I promise! Watch the movies on Here! and support the franchise by purchasing the DVDs. And don’t forget to join these fandoms to enjoy and share fic, art, info and discussion:


There’s not another pairing out there like Donald and Timmy. Get to know them. Grow to love them. Then plague the producers to make more. 


How anyone could help falling in love with these guys is a real mystery!

"Superman" fanvid by Male Drzewo
